I know this may seem stupid but I honestly feel this is the best thing on newgrounds.
Story wasn't to cheesey but opened up a ton of cool oppertunities
Action was very well done.
Just. wow
I know this may seem stupid but I honestly feel this is the best thing on newgrounds.
Story wasn't to cheesey but opened up a ton of cool oppertunities
Action was very well done.
Just. wow
Loss of points due to stolen stuff
I had to turn it off halfway through because of the blatant theft of Ed Skudders Ciggarette run, when he's running around his house you can clearly see it was ripped. Major loss of points. The rest was not new nor stylish. Try a little bit harder next time and don't steal asshole.
And we did well mang.
Nice job everyone! Loved stone's part and empty's was surprisingly good.
wait wait wait, so your saying my animations are not usually good skitz? lol. thanks any ways.
Indeed you rawk
Sorry I couldn't make it! Maybe next time. Anyway GREAT JOB everyone, Loved icerc's part. One of his best works. Gregs seemed a little wannabe cinematic but good all the same. Thizik Stone and Free_Kill I've seen and really hold the collab together as far as "Rawking" ZT's was really short but shucksheh nonetheless. Maybe update the file with more people as you go along Stone?
Love youuuuuu
Great job, one of your best AND I GOT THANKED! WOOHOO
Very very nice, especially the intro and tree attack.
Well, I found three secrets so
1. Click on the the hand when the rope is breaking
2. Click on the plane before it crashes into the farm
3. Click on the yoyo
I loved it, the backgrounds could use some cleaning up but otherwise awesome
I'm sorry but
This fuckin owns! YEAH YEAH YEAH ITS CLAAAAAAVEMAAAAN!!!!! all ym 5 are belong t this
Los Angeles
Joined on 1/16/05